Friday, April 9, 2010


hatred... revenge...
anger... disappointment...
murder... suicide...

apologies to all present, i'm just not feeling up to beat today.
why do i choose to write when i'm in a bad mood?
easy. i'll take out all my damned anger on this webpage.
therefore, let me apologize for all the things i'm gonna say.

i hate almost everything in my life right now.
i get pissed every now and then at home...
the few things i've hated never changed, it just became longer...
now what i hate most is life.
my life. it ain't no use tryna live it now, it's already so damned messed up...
i rather die in this stage than wait for it to be over, cuz it would be way too long.
and i've waited a tad bit too long.
there's so many ways so committing suicide... however shall i choose?
stabbing would be too painful, cutting myself would be torture... i want a fast, painless death.
yes, i know, i'm picky. gotta live with that too. no thanks!
where can i get a whole bottle of sleeping pills, that would do the trick, i'll take em all at night and be dead in the morning. good shock eh? nobody would know why i did it.
sorry, but life's a bit too hard on me. i can't take it
seriously, is there any way to die? i mean, i'd like being in a coma, it'd be fine. get hit by a car and injure my brain. lose all self consciousness and fall into deep sleep. how bout that? that'd be great!
at least i won't feel a thing when i die then
let's just die...

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