It's been so long since I last wrote, hasn't it?
Well, I usually do my work on the laptop now that I have one, but that bitch of a sister is always hagging on to it... So I haven't been writing. I know, bad excuse. Forgive me...
Well, many things happened. Figures. Let's just skip what happened to what's happening right now, shan't we?
Right now I'm taking my SPM. For you guys who have no idea what it is, I'd assume you aren't from Malaysia, but it's alright. SPM is an exam like SAT, I trust you'd be familiar with that? So I have 11 subjects, 10 in which are chosen by our DREADFUL headmaster whom I am glad to say is finally MOVING.
As you all know, I absolutely abhor my school. Funny? Figures. My school sucks. It just sucks. I hate it so much t the extent of almost burning down my whole school. Yes, I just hate it. Plain hatred.
That's my update for now. Daily Blogging starts after my SPM or maybe next year =) See yall then!
Nhà cái 18win lừa đảo có đúng là sự thật hay là tin đồn phá hoại?
Trong thời gian gần đây, có nhiều tin đồn cho rằng nhà cái 18win lừa đảo,
khiến nhiều người chơi hoang mang và lo lắng. Những thông tin về 18win lan
7 months ago