I know my blog doesn't have many stories on love, but I decided this story was cute (albeit it was a dream)
So, I had a dream, it made me think, "Someone should know this too"
I had this dream about a few minutes ago, and I decided to write it down when it's still fresh in my head. (I had a few other dreams as well, but those are irrelevant.
Anyway, in a dream, you pop up some place and you don't usually remember how you got there.
So I was at a park with a friend, then Brad Pitt passed by us, apparently. My friend looked him in the eye (and they knew each other, apparently), then she raised her hand to her face and tapped her cheek with two fingers and smiled. So Brad Pitt smiled back too, and they passed each other with a greeting nod.
Those smiles weren't flirtatious, they looked fun, like they'd been friends for a long time, and they've known each other for a long time too.
So I asked her, "What was that for?"
She smiled at me, she said, "Always give your first love a chance."
And then a few minutes after, I woke up, my dream ended.
I know people have trouble letting go of their first love, I am one of those people. You think about your first love every once in a while, and you smile.
Some people (like me) only preferred to love their first love alone, without letting them know, or even dating them. There was always the little flame, but they decided against letting it grow. So sometimes, the flame doesn't go out.
Some people dated their first love, and then split, heart broken. The flame went out.
I'm not telling anyone to go give your first love a chance if they jerks or whores who broke your heart, but there was a reason why you fell for them in the first place. (Most of the time it's because of their looks)
Your first love could have loved you, used you, cheated on you, and broke your heart.
Then again, for those who had a better ending, your first love could have loved you very much, but the two of you broke up because the love wasn't enough, or you had different plans and you wanted different things.
Then we have people, who loved the same person throughout their whole life. These people married their first love, had kids, had grand kids and are still together.
And lastly we have people, whose memories of their first loves are pure and innocent, but always dreamy and hazy. They fall in love, and think that that's enough and prefer not to pursue it. These are the people who don't give love a chance, and they don't give first loves a chance.
They do that for one of two reasons:
1. They don't believe in love, or,
2. They believe first love (or love) never lasts, or end happy
You can say that they're a little cruel when it comes to love. They have emotions, but they cast it away. They love someone very, very much, but they let them go.
If your first love was the person who preferred not to love, don't blame them, don't hate them. They put out the little flame you had before you started burning anything. I guess you could say that they prevented a lot of heartbreak.
I'm not implying anything, or that everyone should give their first love a chance.
There's a reason it's called a "chance", it's because chances can't be accurately calculated, otherwise it would be an equation.
Take a chance in life, sometimes bad choices lead to bad results, but then, if you're lucky, the bad results might lead you to somewhere good. You never know.
My dreams have a lot of stories to tell.
I just thought that this one was very nice. And so I decided to use the internet to "preserve" it.
My first love was a flame I never tried to lit and let it grow, that's why it's still dim and it still burns.
What was your first love like? Did you pursue it? Or did you decide to rain on it?
Either way, it doesn't matter. Life goes on, with, or without love.
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7 months ago